5 Menopausal Signs Most Women Miss 

'Menopause isn't really that bad'... said no woman ever.


Our blend of Vitamin E and Biotin supports skin health, potentially easing that maddening itch

Written by Liz N.

Published: 07/22/2024

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You might be going through it for years without knowing it, while others might tell you you're not in menopause when you very much are.

These overlooked signs can affect your personal and professional life before you've even realized there's a problem. So buckle up, we're diving into the darker side of menopause – the stuff nobody warns you about.

Thinning hair and dry skin are common signs of menopause due to declining estrogen, which impacts hair growth and skin hydration.

 Kathy R, from Kansas recalled, "My thick hair started thinning, and my skin became dry no matter what I tried. Menopause wasn’t just hot flashes—it changed everything."

1. Thinning Hair and Dry Skin

Mood changes, like intense emotional outbursts, are also common. As Michelle O. from Florida described: "Forget mood swings—this was emotional implosion. I’d feel a primal rage and wonder, 'Who is this person?' I was fully aware, trapped in my mind. It felt like being a passenger in my own body, powerless to stop."

2. Mood Swings and Rage

Concerns about low libido in women are often minimized or dismissed, while men experiencing similar issues may receive prompt attention and care options. Lisa M. from Arizona shared her experience, saying,"When my sex drive disappeared, the emotional toll was overwhelming, straining my relationship." Changes in hormones while going through menopause influences libido which can lead to decreased sexual desire, along with vaginal dryness. 

3. Low Libido

As Lorry W. from Texas shared, "One day you're sharp, the next you're fumbling for words and forgetting appointments." Many women report experiencing "brain fog" as a sign of menopause.  These changes can impact daily life and work performance, often causing stress and frustration.

4. Brain Fog

Struggling with gaining a few extra pounds during menopause can feel relentless. Despite rigorous exercise routines and strict diets, you may find your jeans fitting tighter and the numbers on the scale rising. Even with intense training and careful calorie counting, it can seem like your metabolism is working against you, causing frustration as your body stores fat more easily.

5. Weight Changes

Are these unspoken menopause indicators crushing your quality of life?

Don't suffer in silence. Primal Women+ has helped thousands of women tackle these signs straight on.

Unlike other products which only address the common signs, our powerful formula is designed to address every aspect of menopause, providing comprehensive menopause support for just over $1 a day.

You've heard about night sweats and mood swings. Maybe you even know about perimenopause. But did you know there are as many as SEVENTY different signs associated with peri/menopause?






Welcome to women's health, where half the population's experiences are routinely dismissed or ignored

Rage and Mood Swings

 Vitamin D3 (250% DV) and B-complex vitamins help regulate mood and combat stress

Low Libido

Zinc and Selenium support hormonal balance, which may help revive your sex drive

Cognitive Function

B-complex vitamins (up to 385% DV) and our proprietary blend with Xanthogreen® Lutein Ester support brain health and mental clarity

Weight Management

Chromium and B vitamins aid in metabolism regulation, potentially helping with that stubborn weight gain

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Some are calling Primal Women+ the best premium menopause support formula in 2024